Starting Pagano London had always been a dream of Gaby’s. She had been collecting crystals for nearly a decade, and she always had so many interesting ideas about how to introduce them into everyday life- from interior design, to fashion, to jewellery, to even fantasising about going into mines herself across the world to get those coveted pieces. Before Pagano London, Gaby’s career had been in insurance and hospitality, and eventually evolved into being a dedicated and involved mother to her two children, Tomas and Sofia.
Gaby didn’t anticipate how much stress, time and effort would go into starting an online business- it had started so quickly with the encouragement from a friend, and now she was fully immersed in all of the details of a start-up.
“Because I need to be there for kids when they come home from school. I often found myself up at 3am reorganising my showroom”

Launching Pagano London gave her a real sense of respect for all of the women out there who juggle a career and being a mother, as both are full-time jobs in themselves. She admits that she is still learning about the balance between being a mum and running a start-up, but has learnt some valuable lessons along the way.
This business is dedicated to Tomas and Sofia, for their patience and encouragement throughout the entire process from start to finish. Gaby would also like to dedicate Pagano London to her father, Enrique Pagano, for whom the business is named after. Gaby often felt that the legacy of the Pagano name would be lost, as there was no male heir to the name, however now she is reassured that his memory will live on through Pagano London.
“It was so important for me to create specified times where I didn’t work on Pagano London, focus my energy on my family… It’s so easy to get distracted with all that needs to get done”